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Hi there, I'M MARA!

I am a money mentor someone who understands money and helps others understand it, too. Through years of building my financial expertise, I have come to know that money is more than just numbers. It goes deeper than different styles of managing cash flow. It extends beyond mere knowledge of the advantages of different types of investment accounts. 

To really understand money, you must understand yourself not just for who you are right now, but who you can become, and HOW

I help people extend themselves into the future, turning themselves into the money manager they want to be. By being PRESENT and taking deliberate action in the NOW, you build a better FUTURE version of yourself (and a better future financial situation)!

You can be mentored in a way that fits your needs. I offer live meetings in or around Warsaw, Indiana, but also online mentoring via video calls, phone conversations, and chat. I even do asynchronous mentoring like journaling, email questions, and more!

Learn more about money mentoring. Check out the next steps.

Mara Woods is a member of the AFCPE®, the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education®.